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How to help yourself stay strong and find resources to fight?


Author: Dariia Serdiuk

For the fourth month in a row, Ukrainians have been courageously fighting for freedom and a happy life in different parts of the world. Each of us is experiencing a lot of emotions, pressure, anxiety for themselves and loved ones all this time. How to help yourself stay strong and find resources to fight? We share the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

  • Focus on what you can control
  • Maintain information hygiene
  • Try to follow the routine of the day
  • Help others and maintain social connections

Focus on what is under your control. There is always something in your power and what depends on you: providing comfortable living conditions, caring for loved ones. There are things we can’t control. It is worth accepting and clearly separating our area of ​​responsibility.

Maintain information hygiene. First, read only reliable sources, official government channels. Take any message critically. Second, dose the news viewer.

Try to follow a daily routine, especially if you are safe. Sports, hobbies, any activity is very important to maintain your mental well-being.

Maintain social connections and help others whenever possible. Communicate and support those around you. Volunteer, make donations, take part in actions, etc. if you can. It helps you to focus, to feel belonging to a group of people important to you, gives you the opportunity to feel better.

Remember! If you do not feel strong enough to help physically or financially, you should focus on yourself first. You should not give the shirt off your back or go to the rally with all your might. Take care of yourself, allow yourself to relax and replenish resources.